Why does the moon change shapes?
One day there was a moon that was grey and had grey spots around his body. He is also very jumpy and very smelly like gunpowder.
One Afternoon there was a moon that was so tired that it almost switched places with the sun but then the sun was getting so pissed at the moon because the moon was trying to take over the sun’s place.
But then the sun started to wake up the moon but the moon was still sleeping.But then the moon woke up and started to go back to his place.
While then it was time for the sun to switch places with the moon then the moon started to sleep then the moon woke because his body was changing and that was because the sun was getting too hot and his hotness couldn’t help it so he started to shine his hotness to the moon.
Then the moon started to say to the moon “Can you stop shining your light or your hot air to me!” Then the sun said to the moon “I can’t help it, I’m getting hot!”.The moon kept on moving and he couldn’t help it stop.
So this is why the moon changes shapes.